An about me page where you actually learn about me.
I grew up outside of Minneapolis. Went to school in Missouri. Then came straight home to Minneapolis. This is my spot. These are my people.
I’m a normal dude with a lot of hippie tendencies. I play sports and practice meditation. I drink beer and talk to spirit cards. Health, wealth and happiness are my only motivations.
I am not a hater. There’s not a single food I won’t eat. I dabble in every genre of music. And I’ve straight up disliked fewer than 10 people my whole life.
I’m ultra-competitive. Not in the unhealthy way where I get in fights with grandma at family Christmas. But I live for the feeling of winning team games with my friends.
I love traveling with my wife. She likes the beach. I like to look at all the fonts.
I strictly read knowledge books. Right now, I’m reading a real page-turner about the metabolic theory of cancer, because I thought it’d be cool to put in my advertising bio.
Now I must go. Wheel of Fortune starts in 15 and I gotta finish cooking dinner. Until next time.
Hit me up.